Thursday, January 30, 2014

Wishlist for 2014

I intended to do this wishlist last year but somehow did not write anything so here it is for 2014:

#1. Survive at work.

Looks like there will be LOTS of work this year. I have plans for several things for the company and I still don't know how can I manage to get it all done.

I have been trying to do some project management and it turned out not as easy as I expected.

I am caught between what I want to do and what people expect me to do.

I love it here so I want to make it work :)

#2. Stay healthy.

I don't want another gout attack. I don't want any hemorrhoids.

I will do exercises more (last year was a huge leap already). I will keep myself under 70kgs.

Same wishes for my family. They have had enough drama :(

#3. Double my saving.

Somehow I always get anxious talking about money.  I put myself to a race with something I don't even know.

I am being risk-adverse. I don't care what people say. Invest? Invest my ass. The first step of investment is saving.

#4. Go to Korea

I got an invitation for a wedding. Thanks Sarah and her fiancee!!!

If I am granted a visa, I will make sure I will rock the country for good.

#5. Fujifilm X100s

I think a DSLR is too heavy and clunky. Maintenance work for lenses is tough. I lost one lens this year.

I love the design of the Fujifilm X100s. The hybrid viewfinder is awesome.

I still wish it bears the Pentax brand. Too bad.

#6. Honda Super Cub

I want to get one, though I don't know where to park it. My house runs out of spaces.

An awesome work of motorbike engineering. Practical to every inches.

A timeless piece of design. The best motorbike ever.