1. If you are not a vegetarian, then you can't argue.
What is the difference between eating dog meat and eating beef/pork/fish/whatever meat? After all, it's just meat. A mean of protein supply. An act of eating killed creatures. Then how come people can consume tonnes of meat but not dogs?
[Spot the differences]
So you can go around and tell all the stuffs about not eating dogs but it's a shame if you go home and can't resist a nice roasted chicken or a huge pile of beefsteak.
If you are not a vegetarian, please keep silent and enjoy your own meal (haha)
2. Dogs are man's most useful pet, not best friends.
You may love dogs so you feel crap when seeing people eating dogs. That's fine. However, that applies to other kind of meat as well. Muslim people don't eat pork because they believe pigs are filthy creatures. Hindi people won't eat beef because cow is their God. Then how come you criticise people who eat dogs? What if dogs has never been their friends?
The term friends is also weird. What I can see is dogs are man's most useful pet rather than friends. Tell me why you keep a dog in your house? For some it might be for hunting. For some it might be for guarding. Some even raise dogs to make money, to make themselves feel less lonely. After all, we keep pets because they MAKE US HAPPY, not the other way around.
People say man loves dogs so much that we even do massages for them, to make ups for them, dress them up, blah blah. Oh man, don't you see that all of those services are for PEOPLE'S OWN INTEREST!. How come a dog need those thing?
My conclusion is, well, for most of us, we all do things that benefits us and make us happy and keeping pets is one of them. There's nothing as the so-called best friend. Even for the elders who rely on dogs to guide them through this and that. Are we sure dogs want to do such slavery jobs or because we make them do so? To me, this is even more cruel than eating dogs.
We don't even know for sure if wolves WANTED to be DOMESTICATED. How can we be sure that we are making the lives of dogs better? We are all selfish so this argument is kind of funny.
[Is this what we call our love for dogs?]
3. Eating rhinos, tigers, whales and other near-extinction animals.
Let's get WWF-theme here. The question is: Will dogs be extinct? Probably not. The need of keeping dogs is too high. Human's selfishness is getting to the point where, in some cultures, they rely on dogs for entertaining and do slavery jobs too much that they can't live without them. People is breeding dogs with the rate similar to pigs, cows, sheep and other domesticated animals. Shouldn't we spend sometime to criticise those who eat whales such as the Japanese? Or some of our rich governors is eating rhinos and tigers and other crap rare meat?
Again, it's the question of priority. Which should be first and which next? People should develop a relationship with these animals and help them grow, rather than worrying on dogs. What the world would look like of there's only man and dogs left? Oh wait, they will start eating dog meat at will haha.
[Dolphins slaughter?]
[Whaling in Japan]
4. Cultures defines eating behaviour so don't go against your country.
Dear K-pop fans. Korea is one of the country that has dog eating culture. They have a lot of dishes specialised with dog meat (e.g. boshintang - 보신탕). They even have bok-nal - 복날 which is their traditional dog-eating day.
Will you still be against eating dog meats or you will start trying boshintang as a cool Oppa culture?
[OMG! My Ộp Pa eats this huh?]
It is funny that we are so crazily going against something that is a part of culture. Is eating dogs a culture of Vietnam? Well, in some region, yes. And eating balut (trứng vịt lộn) is found everywhere in Vietnam. Would you go against it, knowing that you kill an unborn baby duck for your pleasure? Come on. You can't go against what culture defines hundreds of years ago. So you can stop eating dogs if you feel like so but arguing about it, blaming people eating it means you are blaming your own country. Please don't do that, ever.
5. Keep it for yourself. Do it, don't criticise. Be a good person first.
So you love dogs. You feel sad when you see dogs hanging around the butcher's. You decide not to eat dogs. I congratulate you. It is something hard to do - not eating a kind of meat. Just don't go around and brag about it and tell others who eat dog a dickhead. After all, we all eat meat in our lives. Our parents can't feed us vegan food when we were an infant.
Some people don't have anything to eat because they are so poor. Some die of starvation. If we can save one's life, even with dogs, it's a better thing to do.
Do good deeds to your own kind. Treat them well, respect them. That's the first step. It is just non-sense if you do good things to dogs but talk to your parents/friends/neighbours/colleagues like a barking dog.